Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Are You CRAZY!?!?

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." Dr. Seuss (1904-1991)

I was reading a random blog that follows my blog that actually had a link to this other blog which is where I found this quote...I don't even know how it happens but getting lost in blog land is way easier than I had anticipated. Confusion exists regularly in my life! ;)

This quote just hit me for some reason. I have obviously thrown myself full force into this Ironman training (it's all or nothing majority of the time for me...if I ask your opinion, I normally have already made up my mind) and have been challenged with the question "are you crazy?" like one billion times already. Yes, I am crazy, but I am also in charge of my own decisions and a maker of my destiny...I have made the choice to take on this challenge and therefore will complete it with the best effort I can. I have the brain in my head to lead me in the right direction, a healthy body that can support what I ask of it and the freedom and ability to choose what I want to do with all I have been graciously given. I will do this crazy thing and most likely follow it with something else equally absurd!

As I rolled out of bed at 4:30 this morning that first thing I verbally said (directed to my dog, therefore not talking to myself!) was "that alarm came way sooner than expected!" As I drudged to swim practice no more than 10 hours after my last workout, I was hit with a good song on the radio, a simultaneous parking job with my coach who waved and gave me a goofy face and then walked in to see that I wasn't the only one inflicting this self torture. After a solid 3300 yards of swimming (that's 66 laps/132 lengths for those asking how much that is) I felt amazing! All sluggishness erased from my body. I walked out into the biting air and noticed the most gorgeous sunrise and thought about how lucky I was to witness this beauty...there is some good that can come out of a 4:30 wake up call! I choose to do this and I choose to find the good things in it all! (but please appease me if I ever want to call you to bitch about it!)

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